Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Response to Article - Neither Man nor Rat Can Properly Fold Laundry


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh ya got this mother working!!!!

  3. Women and Men are completely different when it comes to certain situations, women according to studies mature faster then men do which means they look at problems and situations differently. Men if they get mad they would usally take their anger by punching anything aroudn them, Women would just take a couple of deep breaths.

  4. Although the article grabbed my attention, it does not have any validity. Reason being, he stated stereotypes and not facts. In my opinion, the only thing I really would agree with was when he stated the children. My response to that is, that happens because children are exposed to what catches their interest, and they are more comfortable with people of their own genders. Although, when he stated the differences about men and women, he was just stating stereotypes. For example, I’ve witnessed women react in violent natures, and I have seen men react in nurturing natures, so therefore what Barry states are more comical than truthful.

    - Christian Origenes

  5. Although Dave Barry has a point about women being less aggressive than men, this isn’t always true. I’ve witnessed women act violently while men handle situations more proper. I have two cousins that live in Florida. They are siblings - one female named Charmaine and one male named Joshua. I discovered how they acted when upset. Charmaine acted very violently and moody whenever she was upset or irritated. On the contrary, Joshua would stay quiet and keep his thoughts to himself, doing activities to calm down and let time pass. Women aren’t always the gentle and apologetic ones. Sometimes, men are the nonviolent ones, like my cousin Joshua. Barry’s being stereotypical and is over exaggerating the manners of both sexes.

  6. WOAH! Im going to say it like this

    I Strongly, disagree with his article because even though men are more aggressive, not all men will not just fight because someone strongly disagrees, or something is not going their way.Some Women can punch "Bob" too if someone disagrees their statement or everything is not going their way. I have a little sister who is pretty much more aggressive than me, she yells, and can be bossy to some people all the time.I'm more of the sensitive guy, who try to calm the situation down before anything happens. Dave Barry is going on stereotypes of men, and this guy is a man himself. I like power rangers, but i'm not going to yell "HIYA!!! and dropkick someone into next Tuesday, but I'm not going to ballet either. There are some women who is agressive, who is violent, not every girl matures faster than a man, and not every man matures faster than another girl.

  7. i completly agree with this article. although men and women are very different we react different too. for example the aggression syndrome, its true if two men that are stress bump into each other of course they going to fight. another example is that men have to concentrate into one thing so we could do it right, women can do many things at the same time. also, the alundry thing is true because whe i go do launndry wit my girl she refolds everything i fold. so therefore i agree with this article.

  8. I agreed with what the author was saying about men taking a more aggressive approach to things and women being more "nicer", but after reading some of the comments here I realized that's not always true. There are women who definitely have a violent streak as well, ever heard of a cat fight? Aside from that, for the most part men and women do think differently, I've experienced this first hand and have gotten many lectures from my mother about it -_-. Honestly, both genders are confusing. With my ex-boyfriend for example, I'll never understand why he's done certain things and what the hell goes on in his head. But us girls are difficult as well, a few of my guy friends can vouch for that. Although, it could just depend on the person and not the gender.

  9. Response to Christian Origenes: I agree that this article does capture attention. And while it is comical and you may think to yourself "That's so true!", it really isn't ALWAYS that way. He is stating stereotypes, but who knows maybe this is from his personal experience. However if it is, that doesn't mean it goes for everyone which you stated.

    Response to Harold: I just want to make a comment about the folding sheets thing, as well as agreeing with the author on this part. My mom does the same thing. Like when I make my bed, she completely re-does it, although it does look better when she makes it. And when we were at the laundromat on Sunday, she re-folded all the jeans I at least attempted to fold. Once again it looks better when she does it so I don't know exactly who wins: me for trying or her for doing a better job.

    And just a response to myself, I think my comment got a little off topic since the article wasn't really talking about which gender is more confusing or difficult, but you get the idea.

  10. Barry although his article had some truth in it, I disagree with all he said. Facts are merely stated opinions in my view. Men and women are different. Women are known to mature a lot faster than men. In this article he used many examples. He says in the ‘’fight or flight’’ syndrome that men are more towards violence and women just want to get along. I’ve seen many women in violent nature and men who deter from the situation. Barry in my opinion was just being stereotypical against men n women.

    -Maria De Jesus

  11. I disagree with the article. Men and women are alike but handle things differently. Men and women think differently. Since men have the physical strength it would only seem right. Women are taught to be ladies and will be in the streets. When things get to rough they can get hectic. Females have mood swings and it gets badder when that time comes around. Men can get violent, but women are worst. Men can play a variety of sports and in today's world smoke to relax. Don't get me wrong ladies can do the same. Sports are played mostly by men though. Everyone has a different opinion depending on there past experiences.

  12. This article for me did not have validity. I disagree with what Barry had to say in many points. Men and women are different but can still be the same. In the part of ‘’laundry refolding’’ men do laundry and some men are even particular about their laundry. In the ‘’fight or flight’’ syndrome men and women are not as different. Barry had said men ‘’hey watch out!’’ follows with ‘’No you’’ from there they’d act in a violent nature. Well yes that might happen but a lot of women now a day’s aren’t as Barry said ether. Women won’t just hold back and apologize, they would act as well. Therefore, I believe that his comments were sexist and stereotypical.

    Response to Jo Christelle and Christian:
    I agree with Jo Christelle and Christian because they both stated similar responses of how men and women act differently in situations. Women do tend to act violently in certain situations. For example, In my relationship I tend to be more aggressive than my husband. He is more of the drama queen. Even though we have our differences we are still similar in ways.

    -Christine Coqueran

  13. Response to Tah:
    I want to comment on the part that men have the physical strength and women were to be brought up as ladies in the streets. I’m a girl and yes my mother brought me up right but I am not as delicate as you are portraying women to be. Just as men play sports and are strong so are women. There are women athletes that are twice as strong as men. In my opinion it’s not the sports you do nor is your gender or how you are brought up it on your emotions. For example, when I get really angry my adrenaline is to the max and I am strong enough to take anyone down. This can also be for men not only me.

    Response to Jo Christelle:
    I agree with what Jo Christelle had said in her response to how men and women act differently. Women aren’t as quiet as stated in the article. We women do act violent tending to the situation. For example, my sister she was always one to not hold back. In her relationship with her husband she found her match they are both similar but she is way more aggressive. He holds back a lot and tends to be overly dramatic.

    - Maria De Jesus

  14. In response to greenworldjamal and jo christelle:

    I have a two sisters who react to bad situations with an aggressive state of mind. When someone does something to upset them they are not quiet, nor are they easily pushed over. They put on their game faces and they stand their grounds. I have also witnessed the males to act sensitive. I am a sunday school teacher and I teach second graders. When the boys don't have their ways, they start crying or they just sit their quiet. Like I stated in the first place, Barry probably thought we as the readers are weak minded and we'd agree with anything that gives us a two second smirk on our faces. Other than making us smirk, he stated facts only stereotypes would agree with.

  15. I read the article and i agree with what its stating, Besides that its very detailed and supportive it give you examples so you can understand. Some man cant control their anger and tend to start a fight without even trying.Women always are worry about their apperance so they wouldnt do anything that would make them look not lady like .

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. ''Boys will be boys and girls will be girls'' as the saying goes. Even though boys are much rougher the girls there are many ifs and buts. A boy can have the tend or befriend. I no girls in my school were if another girl bumped in to them they go crazy and off at each other. So it all depends on the person and also i would say the area your in. You could have much tougher girls then guys in that area or visa versa. I agree with Barry to a certain aspect but not a hundred percent.

  18. Responding to Jo Christelle

    Women only act violently when they are pushed to that point.We have neen taught to act like a lady and treat others with respect, If a women acts violently is because they were mostly using it as self defense.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Men and Women are different in many ways some more than others. Men live more for the moment and do things only thinking of them selves and women like to do things the right way, they’re more responsible, and neat. Men tend to not care and that’s because most men feel as though they do not have to impress anyone. Women like to take their time on everything and make sure everything gets done. The only thing men and women have in common is to believe that they’re always right and that’s way men and women always bump heads as well as bumping head with other people from the same gender.

  21. Neither Rat nor Man Can Properly Fold Laundry

    1.Although Barry is humorously overstating his case, do you think his position has any validity? Are men and women really s different as he portrays them to be? Base on your own personal experience.

    I completely agree with Barry’s statement based on male and female differences. Men and Woman varied in many aspects. By nature, women are born with nurturing feelings. We are mothers, we are the only human been who could carry another, within us. Our feelings are pure and sincere, and we are not afraid to demonstrate them. We are strong, intellectual, independent, empowered minded human beings. As to men, they are selfish, ignorant animals. I was in a relationship with a 19 year- old boy, which is equivalent to 2.5 years-old in dog years. In other words, he acted he’s age, if you know what I mean. There would be times where we would drive to one of his friend’s house, and I would sit in the car and wait for him, and wait some more. It would never cross his mind first of all to introduce me to his friends, neither did he realize that I was in the car, by myself, freezing to death!! If he was to be in my position, the first thing I would have done was to introduce him to my friend, and ask him to come along with me.

  22. Responding to jasmins comment:

    I agree with jasmin's reswponse. basically boy s and girls look at life situations differently, because in fact we are different. there could be time that we may agree, but even so differences remain. i believe that men tend to act, and yes guys i said "Act", they put up a front because it is only the right thing to do because of their mascular figuere, and the character that goes along with it. Word to the wise, holding back true feelings doesnt always makwes one feel like the bigger, or even tougher person in a relation. Communication, in my opinion, its the most important key in any situation. how could we ever understand one of another if didnt have it? Discussing our difference without any concern of our gender, will allows to comprehend us as human beings, and bring us closer to one another.

  23. This article is very intresting. Dave stated that men are more aggressive than women which is correct. Both men and women have different opinions to different situations. I never seen a case where two women bumped each other then said lets go shopping. Most women arent that aggressive when it comes down to violence, they have men there for them. While men on the other half are the aggressive ones. Standing up for thier pride is a big deal, they get offensive quite quickley. Of course if another person of the same sex bumps into to them, words will be exchanged. Depending on what kind of day thier having or maybe the type of mood thier in. The only similarity between men and women is they always think thier correct .

  24. I disagree with TAH's response. Men and women look at situations different. Women are taught to have manners and be more lady like, while men are more violent for no reason. Men do have a more mascular figure but that doesnt mean anything. Men are the ones who get violent, and women do sometimes trigger there violent side. Men arent the only ones that play sports, thats totally false. Just because girls are not as rough and care about breaking nails doesnt mean we dont like to play sports.

    I agree with JASMIN because men and women do look at situations different. But men and women do agree at some point. Men do take thier anger out on whatever is around them. Women sometimes do the same but women are more caring, and let things slide.
